Emergency Eye Care

An emergency room or an urgent care facility may not always be the best option to treat emergency issues of the eyes. Emergency eye care involves specific instruments and medical treatment to assess and treat minor injuries, illnesses and conditions that can risk causing permanent harm to one's eyesight.

No matter how prepared you are, there is always the chance for an ocular emergency to occur, and our office is here to help.

Some common symptoms of ocular emergencies are sudden vision loss or blurry vision in one or both eyes, a sudden onset of many floaters, flashing lights, or pain.

You might also experience a feeling that there is something in your eye, which may come with pain, light sensitivity, excessive watering, gritty or sandy feeling, or discomfort when blinking. Do not rub your eyes or try to remove a foreign body on your own.

If you are unsure if you are having an ocular emergency, call us at 231-723-9911 right away and follow the phone prompts to leave a message for our main office or the on-call provider.

See the good.